The nehalem bay crab derby

The Annual Nehalem Bay Crab Derby is a fund raising event like no other!  We tag 26 commercial crab and release them into the Nehalem Bay from 9am-5 pm it’s your goal to catch a tagged crab (but who wouldn’t settle for a regular keeper.) When you catch a tagged crab, bring them in right away. At 5 pm we will do the drawing for the 26 prizes, and the people draw in order the crabs were caught. The grand prize for the last couple years has been an astounding $2000.

If you didn’t catch a tagged crab or just don’t have time and still want to help you still have a chance to win. After the tagged crab catcher have done their drawing, all the remaining prizes besides the grand prize will be raffled off to anyone who purchased a derby ticket.

The derby ticket is $10 and is required to have one per tagged crab caught. All ticket sales and games go directly to the 2 charities chosen for that year.

Past prizes have included Milwaukee drill set, seafood dinner for 2, $500, 2 hour  crabbing package, surfing lessons etc.

Our past sponsors include Englund Marine, Clatsop Distributing, Nehalem Lumber, Astoria Chamber of Commerce, and many more. 

If you would like to donate, because we couldn’t do it without the help of the sponsors, please email or call 503-368-5746.


First responders appreciation

In appreciation of our dedicated First Responders, the Jetty Fishery hosts a weekend of gratitude and fun! On Sunday and Monday October 22nd and 23rd  we have an exclusive event for active EMTs, Police Offices, and fire fighters. 

Take to the water and enjoy a 2-hour crabbing package boat rental on us for you and your immediate family. 

The Jetty Fishery is proud to support those who protect and serve our community! 

2023 is the first year we have tried this event so we are excited to make this an annual event.